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Cedar Oil For Pest Control

#1 Question: Why is FlexPVC selling cedar oil solution for pest control?
Answer: Because it's what we use and others have asked about it. Many of our customers use pvc pipe in aquariums, fisheries, food prep, etc. No one wants pesticide poison in their pipe and fittings. And we don't want to breath that stuff either. Over the years we tried many different things but of all of them cedar is the most economical and effective.

#2 Question: How does cedar oil "kill" pests?
Answer: Most of the things it kills it does not really kill at all. There are some like silverfish, scorpions, sun spiders, etc that it does directly kill by dissolving their exoskeleton and they just "fall apart." It takes 5 to 60 minutes for this to happen but it does happen. But most of the things it "kills" is by starvation. This takes time. Sometimes weeks. What happens is the cedar odor interferes with their senses and they can't hunt anymore. So they just starve to death. It's not an instant kill. So depending on what you are trying to control, it's either a direct kill or 'over time' kill.

#3 Question: What do you mean by "repelling" insects?
Answer: Due to how the cedar oil interfers with predatory insects sensors, they simply avoid areas of high concentrations of cedar smell. They just move to another place to look for food. So by using cedar on a regular basis (1-2 times a year spray everything) you can make your house, garage, property "critter free" for most critters.

#4 Question: What's 20%? What 10% means and why two levels?
Answer: 20% is about the highest percentage of cedar oil solution or spray you can get. Most offer 5% to 15%. We sell it in containers so that it's half full and this results in 20% solution. If you top off the container with water that makes it about 10% solution. Use 20% when you first get it to "shock" the system just like you "shock" a pool in the spring. After that you can go down to 10% or so for the rest of the year to control pests.

#5 Question: Is Cedar oil toxic to people?
Answer: In high concentrations, when fogged it's very irritating to some people's breathing. Anyone with sensitivities to smells or respiratory issues should be removed from the location for at least 24 hours. If you don't fog, but use a sprayer it's not as bad but some people can still be bothered by it. To the best of our knowledge, there is no harm, but some people just don't care for it and it makes it hard for them to breath.

#6 Question: Is Cedar oil toxic to animals?
Answer: If cats lick it, they can get sick. Keep it out of the areas where cats might lick it. Dogs don't seem to care for it and just leave it alone. If you see one licking it, best to clean it up and move the dog away. We don't have any information on birds, reptiles, etc. So best to protect them before you use it, just to be sure.

#7 Question: Is Cedar oil toxic to plants?
Answer: Generally no, but if you get a lot on some plants it will stunt their growth or even kill them. This is only for high concentrations of cedar oil solution (over 20%). It does kill some weeds, so there is that.

#8 Question: What methods of application are there?
Answer: Spray bottle or fogger. Spray bottles are cheap and work great for spraying directly on an insect or spider. Foggers are great for large buildings and large area (indoor or outdoor) treatment. We don't currently sell foggers but if you are interested contact us and we'll help you out. If you go with spray bottles buy them from us or anyone that sells the industrial sprayers like this:

Normal cheap sprayers will die after a few months.

You can find our Cedar Oil Solutions for Pest Control here

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