Please note: We will be closed for shipping on Friday the 21st of March. All orders placed on that day will ship the following Monday, the 24th. Thank you.

FlexPVC® is a registered trademark of PVC DistributorsLLC for the sale of Flexible PVC Pipe, Rigid PVC Pipe, PVC Fittings, PVC Glue/Cement, PVC Tools, hoses, tubing, and other non-metallic pipe and fittings.
Made In the USA Flexible PVC Pipe 99% of all pvc pipe & plastic pipe fittings we sell are
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FlexPVC® Selection Guide: Which flexible pvc pipe, hose or tubing is best for my application?
Flexible Selection Guide
Flexible pvc pipe cut to length.
Flexible Pipe By The Foot
Dimensions for Rigid Sch 40, Sch 80, Clear, White Glossy Furniture grade PVC pipe cut to length.
Rigid Pipe Size Chart
3 ways, 4 ways, 5 ways and 6 ways, Furniture Grade PVC Pipe Plastic Fittings.
Furniture Fittings
Snap Clamps to secure screen, tarps, fabric, etc to pvc pipe.
Snap Clamps
PVC Plastic Pipe Fittings Selection Guide. Includes: 3 Ways, 4 Ways, 5 Ways, 6 Ways, Tees, Elbows, Male & Female Adapters, Couples, Unions, Reducer Bushings, Caps, Wyes, and 45 degree, 22 degree & 11 degree elbows.
Fittings Selection Guide

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"If there be any among us who [disagree], let them stand undisturbed as monuments of the safety with which error of opinion may be tolerated, where reason is left free to combat it." Thomas Jefferson, March 4, 1801

Clear PVC Pipe & Acrylic Tube

Sch 40 White PVC Plumbing Pipe

Sch 80 Gray PVC Plumbing Pipe

Furniture Grade Glossy White Pipe


Thinwall PVC Pipe

Metric PVC Pipe

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Flexible PVC Pipe
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