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Wall Of Shame!
*** After you click on search, you'll need to scroll down to see the results.
"If there be any among us who [disagree], let them stand undisturbed as monuments of the safety with which error of opinion may be tolerated, where reason is left free to combat it." Thomas Jefferson, March 4, 1801 |
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Citizens' Council for Health Freedom Since 1998

Institute for Responsible Technology
Other Important Issues:
The Future of Food
 What are they doing to the food supply? (Watch it for free.) |
Everyone knows the story of "Killer Bees." In 1957 a researcher accidentally released African Honey Bees in Brazil and they have been migrating north ever since taking over the indigenous honey bee hives. In a similar story, most people don't know that genetically modified food (GMO, genetically modified organism) crops have contaminated non-GMO crops and they are now about to "take over" all the food crops. (In some crops like corn and soy, they already have.) You may have read about "seed banks" and not understood why people are trying to preserve seeds. The link to the left leads you to a video everyone really must see. If you decided not to eat any genetically altered food (probably a wise decision) you may be in for a surprise: You already have. If you think you are safe because you only shop at "health food stores" you may be surprised to find some sell GMO food and don't tell people it's GMO food. See: this site and this site for more info.

The Meatrix. |
What is the Meatrix? The Meatrix exposes the industrialization of our food supply. Click here to take the red pill. Also see The Meatrix II and The Meatrix 2.5. (Your choice to eat meat or not, but if you do eat animals we hope you agree they should not be chained to a stall, injected with drugs and feed a disgusting & GMO diet. Also eating a vegan diet has been shown to be much healthier for you, (there are dozens of documentaries on this subject) so you might want to check into that as well. Here's a short one on youtube. Also " What the Health" on Netflix (we find it far more truthful than misleading) and "Forks over Knives" on Prime are good ones.)

Burzynski - Cancer is Serious Business |
Burzynski - Cancer is Serious Business Burzynski is the compelling story of a pioneering medical doctor and PhD biochemist who has discovered the genetic mechanism to cure most human cancers. This timely, eye-opening documentary takes the audience through the treacherous, yet victorious, 14-year journey that both Dr. Burzynski and his patients have had to endure in order to obtain FDA-approved clinical trials of Antineoplastons - resulting in the largest and most convoluted defeat against the Food and Drug Administration in American history. The US Government actually tried to steal his patent!

Food Matters |
Food Matters sets about uncovering the trillion dollar worldwide "Sickness Industry" and exposes a growing body of scientific evidence proving that nutritional therapy can be more effective, more economical, less harmful and less invasive than most conventional medical treatments. Find out what works, what doesn't and what is killing you.
Other important documentaries you will find educational: |
- What happens when you feed rats GMO food only? They die or become infertile. Update: Study has now been peer reviewed three times to confirm the conclusion.
- Controlling Our Food
- Fed Up, Part 1,
Fed Up, Part 2,
Fed Up, Part 3,
Fed Up, Part 4.
With all of the above in mind, please note: President Obama appointed Monsanto lawyer, lobbyist, and Vice President for Public Policy, Michael R. Taylor, Senior Advisor to the FDA Commissioner, and later Deputy Commissioner for Foods, ie, the Food Safety Czar. One of his pet projects is the arrest and prosecution of people selling raw milk. Amazingly (not) Taylor oversaw the policy of Monsanto's genetically engineered bovine growth hormone (rbGH/rbST)project. This is not an "Obama" thing. Presidents Bush and Clinton did the same thing. This has been going on for decades now. Click here for a brief list or just Google for "revolving door FDA."
- Food Inc - The business of food and what it means to your dinner table.
- The Future of Food - Without changes, it's heading for disaster.
- Genetic Roulette - Jeffrey Smith, author of Seeds of Deception.
- Under Our Skin - Lyme Disease, fact or fiction?
- King Korn - The average American consumes 40% of his or her caloric intake from corn. Most of it GMO corn.

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