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"If there be any among us who [disagree], let them stand undisturbed as monuments of the safety with which error of opinion may be tolerated, where reason is left free to combat it." Thomas Jefferson, March 4, 1801 |
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Smooth Barbs Vs. Ribbed Barbs
There are many barbed fittings on our site. Basically they break down in to two styles: Smooth barbs or Ribbed barbs. Smooth barbs are just that smooth.
There is a brand name "Shur-Grip" but not all smooth barbs are "Shur-Grip." Smooth barbs are easier to put in and take off, however they usually are for lower
pressure situations, unless you glue them. Ribbed barbs will hold more pressure, but they are difficult to put in and take off. In fact, usually they have to
be cut off to be removed. Smooth barbs can also be glued into FlexPVC®.com Pipe (or other pvc tubing or hose.) Of course once you do that it's permanent.
It's not as strong as gluing FlexPVC®.com into pvc fittings, but it's much stronger than no glue and just a clamp itself. Use this information to plan your
plumbing system.
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