If your order is time sensitive, please use one of the expedited options on the check out page, but please read our shipping advisory. Orders accepted 24/7/365 via the website. Toll Free Tech Support Hours: Mon-Fri, 10am to 4pm, PST. We also have an alternate phone number in case the above has problems: 1(877)782-3488. Thank you! Use discount code "SAVE7" for 7% off your order!
Wall Of Shame!
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"If there be any among us who [disagree], let them stand undisturbed as monuments of the safety with which error of opinion may be tolerated, where reason is left free to combat it." Thomas Jefferson, March 4, 1801 |
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Important FlexPVC®.com Ship To Name and Address information
VERY IMPORTANT: Due to the the Patriot Act and other government rules as well as UPS and USPS policy, the ship to name MUST be the name registered at the address provided.
If you are shipping to an address that is not the billing address for the credit card there are extra rules and procautions that must be followed.
Some of our customer are businesses and they will have us drop ship items to their customers home or business. In the past this never was a problem, however UPS and Postal will now reject packages addressed to a name that is not the registered name for the address being delivered to.
You must provide the correct name for the address your order is shipping to. If you are shipping to a construction site or university or hotel or even just your neighbor's home, etc, you must put their name as the main name and then "attention: Your name" so that UPS or the USPS will deliver the package. Thank you.
ScamAdvisers verifies we are a legitimate company with a good online reputation. |
GeoTrust guarantees our business is legitimate and guarantees you up to $1,000,000 if we defraud you or your data is stolen during this transaction. |
Sitelock verifies we will not spam you and that our site does not contain viruses or malware. |
Exception: If you commit fraud, attack our website, harass, commit slander or libel, make threats or take any other criminal or malicious actions against our company, website, employees, etc, we will share every piece of information we have on you. We will honor all warrants from police and help in anyway we can.
We thank you for shopping with FlexPVC.com and trusting us with your information!
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