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Wall Of Shame!
*** After you click on search, you'll need to scroll down to see the results.
"If there be any among us who [disagree], let them stand undisturbed as monuments of the safety with which error of opinion may be tolerated, where reason is left free to combat it." Thomas Jefferson, March 4, 1801 |
Everyone wants to know about the snake. Beth is her name and she is a red tail boa constrictor. She is 6' long and weighs 15 pounds. She was rescued from an abandoned house, presumably when the previous owners left her. More pix
of Beth are below. Herpetologist enjoy!

The webmaster and photographer would like to extend their thanks to Beth for her professionalism and patience during the photoshoot. In the quest for "one more shot" Beth always kept her cool and responded with only her best! Thanks Beth!
Pictures and images copyright Eric Gray 2002. Permission granted for personal use (including websites) provided a "notice of source" and link back to https://flexpvc.com is provided. Images may not be copied for any other purpose, or by any other means, and may not be included in any collection or offered for sale without express written agreement from photographer. This copyright includes modified forms and derivatives of the original work.

All text, images, layout and design Copyright 2002 - 2025 FlexPVC ®, PVC Distributors LLC. - - - FlexPVC ® is a Registered Trademark of PVC Distributors LLC