|  | What's the difference?
GREEN: The high-pressure PVC pipe tolerates the highest working pressure of 800psi and burst pressure up to 3700psi and is the most expensive option. Great for industrial sprayers, agricultural sprayers, pest control sprayers, and most any compressed air and/or water applications. Can also be used in some limited, low pressure, hydraulic applications. Woven fabric reinforcement.
YELLOW: The high-pressure flex hose tolerates high working of 570psi and burst pressures 1700psi. Great for industrial sprayers, agricultural sprayers, pest control sprayers, and most any compressed air and/or water applications. Woven fabric reinforcement.
ORANGE: High Working and Medium Burst Pressure Hose, lightest and most flexible of the high pressures hoses we sell. Working pressure 560psi, burst pressure 1250psi. Least expensive of all our high pressure hoses and extremely flexible. Great for air compressor hoses, pneumatic tools, paint sprayers, etc. Spiral yarn reinforcement. |