While most people think of PVC pipe as plumbing material, and it certainly is used in that capacity, there is an increasing demand for PVC pipe furniture. This is stylish, easy to make, and it allows for unlimited configurations thanks to all the different PVC pipe fittings to make any joint or angle possible.
The unique thing about PVC furniture is it is a great do-it-yourself project that requires nothing in the way of special tools. All you will need is a saw, some PVC glue, and a little bit of imagination. There are even free patterns online that identify just how to make different chairs, tables, benches and more elaborate items and provide you with the specific fittings you need to have.
Connecting Corners
For connecting multiple pieces of PVC pipe or to make specific joints and corners, some of the most practical options are the three to six way fittings. These allow three or more lengths of PVC pipe to be joined at a corner in a neat corner or central component depending on the design.
For example, the three way PVC pipe fittings will made the top edge of a table or the seat on a chair as they provide the option to bring the two top pipes together to form the right angle, with the third part of the 3-way connecting the leg to make the full corner with support.
Adding Details
While the various types of connectors for corners, or elbows which offer a variety of gradual corner options for arms or other types of bends and shape, and important pipe fittings in furniture making, there are also details to add as well.
Caps are important as they can act as either the top of a fixture or furniture item, as well as to protect the flooring and the PVC pipe making up the legs. These caps some in a variety of different options from flat to domed and from threaded to slip on types of designs.
For attaching the cloth to the frame, there are specialized fittings known as snap clamps. These are ideal for all types of uses, particularly if the fabric, covering or tarp needs to be removed for storage.
By choosing the right PVC pipe fittings for the job, you can make your own PVC furniture for your home, yard or just for fun. Be sure to ask for the hi gloss furniture grade pipe if you want something that is strong and great looking.
If you have some furniture you have make from PVC, or anything else of interest, send us a picture, we would be really interested in what you have.
On pinterest I saw a harp made of PVC pipes and the photo was linked to your website. I was wondering if you have an instruction how to make this harp?
I ask for this help because we have a projekt in my education, to be a gardener, to design a garden with an opera theme. In this theme this harp would fit in perfectly!
Could you help me in this?
Best regards
Susanne Duar
That’s not exactly our harp, but one of our customers. You can find details here:
Good luck!